How does full CO2 compensation by companies work?

Climate protection concerns us all and has become important in the daily lives of a large portion of people. The Earth needs a sustainable change in thinking so that people on the planet and all future generations can continue to live here. For us sustainability is a central concept in the company’s philosophy. As a matter of course, we see our efforts to promote social justice and actively reduce all CO2 emissions. In this way, we aim to minimize the burden on the climate as much as possible. We call this Climate Safe 360°. In this article, we provide an insight into the measures we take and explain various terms that one encounters in this context.

Calculation of the CO2 footprint

A central element within our sustainable efforts is the calculation of all incurred greenhouse gas emissions, or the CO2 balance. Through precise recording, we are able to take targeted measures to continuously reduce our CO2 emissions. Along our entire value chain, relevant greenhouse gas emissions are analyzed, and potential savings identified. On one hand, the Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) is determined. This focuses exclusively on all greenhouse gases from business activities, such as electricity consumption or the commuting distances of employees. For companies that produce physical goods or trade with them, the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) is additionally included. As the name suggests, this balance focuses on the entire range of products or on each individual product. From materials to manufacturing to transportation routes, the entire product lifecycle is included in the calculation. For a large portion of companies, the PCF constitutes a significant portion of the emissions generated. However, many companies only offset their CCF while still publicly claiming to be “carbon neutral” or “CO2 compensated.” This creates a distorted picture of the topic of CO2 offsetting. We see the urgent need to offset both its own CCF and PCF and implements this with full conviction and success.

How do we implement the measures for CO2 compensation concretely?

There are numerous methods and opportunities to reduce one’s own carbon footprint in various areas. However, it is evident that the emission of CO2 cannot be completely avoided in the production of our products. We follow the Principle: Avoid, Reduce, Compensate. This includes continuously working on optimizing our production and work processes, using energy-efficient technologies, and environmentally friendly materials. For emissions that cannot currently be avoided or reduced, we actively engage in projects for CO2 compensation, which are verified and certified by the Gold Standard. This allows us to make an additional contribution to climate protection.

What is the Gold Standard?

The Gold Standard, initiated by the WWF and other leading environmental and development experts, aims to promote projects that are not only climate-friendly but also effective in development policy. Here, project developers have the opportunity to implement sustainable initiatives that positively influence both the local region and the global climate.

Climate Safe 360°

For us, sustainability is not only an obligation but also an opportunity to actively promote positive change in the world. By reducing our CO2 footprint, integrating sustainable practices, and taking social responsibility, we as a company strive to be a role model and inspire others to pursue sustainable paths. From this aspiration, the “Climate Safe 360°” project was launched. The goal of Climate Safe 360° is to award companies and products that fully compensate for their CO2 emissions in production, transportation, operation, and resources. In contrast to other climate logos, which are only awarded for partial compensation, the Climate Safe 360° logo is exclusively awarded to products and companies that conduct comprehensive emission compensation. Since we are best acquainted with the necessary data regarding its own CO2 emissions, our in-house expert calculates the carbon footprint of our company and all our products. Under this label, we present CO2-compensated products and companies transparently and comprehensibly online.

climate safe transparent logo start
CO2 compensation by companies

Post authored by:

Katrin Beißner

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